The Blog
We look to leaders to drive results, to set the tone for an organization's culture, to think strategically, and use high levels of discernment and judgment to ensure they are setting and maintaining the best possible path forward. Cultivating high performance habits, and demonstrating the discipline of leadership throughout one's career is no small feat. However, even those high standards do not quite capture what we can, and should expect of our leaders. Nor do they capture the scope...
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein
With the recent election, two very different and very distinctive world views have painfully taken their place upon the world stage. While there are clearly nuances on each side, it is the fundamental dichotomy that I find most fascinating. Is the world about hope and love? Or is it about pain and struggle? Is it a...
Whatever is happening TO you, is also happening FOR you.
Catchy, right? Sounds good. Seems likely to be true. And might explain so many of the things in our lives that don’t go as planned.
If the things that happen TO us, are in fact happening in order FOR us; to learn valuable lessons, flex unused emotional muscles, discover alternative narratives about ourselves, or just generally help us rediscover ourselves…then perhaps we can give ourselves a break, and not feel the need to...
There are many parallels between organizational management, leadership principles and personal development themes and concepts. One commonality relates to the ways in which individuals and organizations gravitate towards ‘busy-ness’ as a standard for productivity and success.
Busy-ness relates to workload, schedules, capacity, quality, etc. This can be measured by how full your Outlook calendar looks, how many meetings you attend, how many projects you have undertaken, how many...
My deepest desire is for everyone to live the highest expression of themselves. - Oprah Winfrey
Imagine a world in which every last human had the opportunity to grow and evolve into the very best version of themselves.
Imagine that they had food, loving care, education and stability as children. Imagine that they had opportunity, mentorship and resources to explore and expand into their most amazing selves.
What would the world be like if this were so? What sort of challenges would we face?...

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