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Desire Map. Why you need to stop the presses and rediscover what really gives you joy!

Is there a book sitting on your coffee table or bookshelf that changed your life? A book that vibrates with power. Pure transformational energy.

There are a couple of books like that for me. One of them is The Desire Map (check it out here) by Danielle LaPorte.  A dear friend of mine shared this book with me during a very dark time in my life, and things have not been the same for me since! (Thank you Tracy!)

Before I read Danielle’s book, this is how I felt about goal setting and my life:

  • I was focused on goals based on career progression and money
  • My New Year's resolutions looked more like punishments than opportunities
  • I was so consumed with doing the next right thing, that I hadn't thought about what really gave me joy in years!

Then, I read this book and almost overnight, big changes started to happen for me.

I realized… that by ignoring my own desires, neglecting my inner dreams and my goals of my youth, that I was depriving myself (and those I care about) of becoming the person I was really meant to become.

I started…  thinking in terms of fun, excitement and joy instead of promotions, raises and activities.

I let go of…  the version of myself that never really felt like the real me to begin with. She had been with me for many years, and it was time to let her go. It was time to rediscover myself. My joy. The goals of my soul.

The way we set goals is the way we live our lives. Your goals are your plans. They’re your vision for your future (and probably, your family’s future, too). Did you choose that vision on purpose? With clarity and confidence?

Are your goals based on your heart’s true desires, or what society tells you that you should want? Are your goals driven by your core desired feelings, or by the expectations your friends or family have of you?

Read The Desire Map (click here), by Danielle LaPorte, and answer those questions for yourself.

When you get clear on the way you most want to feel and you make life choices based on those core desired feelings, well… I can speak from experience and say that EVERYTHING changes.

Life gets brighter, clearer, more fulfilling. Life feels better!

I’m wishing that for you — today and always.



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